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Fasting and Feasting Events

All Fasting and Feasting Events | Fasters: Additional Notes | Interns: Additional Notes

How do I pay for the event?

To ensure the Fasting and Feasting event is suitable for you as a faster, feaster or an intern, we require you to first complete an application/registration process. Upon receiving an email from FoodnSport indicating acceptance of your application/registration, you will be emailed a link to make a deposit or to pay for the event in full.

Can my spouse come to the retreat but not fast?

Your friends, spouse or other loved ones can come to the retreat either as fasters, internship students, or feasters. The feasters are able to observe the fasting experience while attending lectures, enjoying gourmet meals and being fully immersed in a nurturing environment supportive of learning, observing and taking home the benefits of the 80/10/10 lifestyle.

Can I share a room with my partner/husband/wife/friend?

Depending on individual circumstances, it may not be in the best interests of the faster to share a room with a loved one. This option will need to be discussed with Dr. Graham on a case by case basis.

Fasters: Additional Notes

What should I bring?


Many fasters have a tendency to become cold very easily and being cold is no fun when you fast. Since many people tend to get cold when fasting, please bring adequate warm clothing, particularly for sleeping. It is better to be over-prepared when fasting. As we will be in bed early most evenings, the cold really shouldn't prove to be an issue, but fasters get cold...even a warm hat isn't a silly idea.

Fasters will spend a lot of time lying down, far more than they are used to. Most fasters become extremely informal during the fast. Shorts and tee shirt, a light dress, or a bathing suit, is usually about all that is worn during the day. Anything relatively light and comfy will do. Feel free to dress as modestly as you like.

Remember that you will be slimming like a champion during this event, especially during the first week. Bring clothes that are too small for you, and they will likely be loose-fitting by the end of your fast.

    Fasters are recommended to consider bringing the following clothing to help keep warm:
  • A warm hat
  • A scarf
  • Several pairs of warm socks
  • Slippers


After the fast, we will do a fair bit of walking in the area. Sneakers will be adequate footwear. We will not be walking anywhere "rough" after the fast. Comfortable light socks will do.

Personal monitoring equipment

Dr. Graham will bring a scale, and all necessary monitoring equipment for the fast, including first aid. Please bring any personal equipment you may want Dr. Graham does not recommend taking enemas during or after your fast., though the choice is yours should you wish to bring your own personal enema kit.

Water bottle

Bring a water bottle with a wide-mouth for ease of filling and ease of cleaning. Ensure your bottle is about 1 quart (1 liter) so you can last a while between refills. It is safer to avoid using a glass bottle as they can be dangerous if they are dropped or knocked over.

Hot water bottle

To heat your bed at night, you may like to bring either an electrical pad or a hot water bottle. Many fasters have brought small electric heating pads, and found them to be very comforting at times.

Ear plugs and sleeping mask

These will be handy if you have a desire to block out light or sound to help you rest.


Some people read incessantly during their fast, while others find it impossible to read while fasting. There is no way to predict but fasters often find reading to be energy draining rather than restful and thus not in support of the fast.

    We recommend the following books to read after breaking the fast, or during the fasting if it seems appropriate:
  • Any book on fasting, especially Shelton's "The Science and Fine Art of Fasting".
  • Any books on Hygiene.
  • Any books on learning, or just good clean entertaining reading, are always also welcome.

Should I bring my computer?

Dr. Graham's recommendation is that fasters not use computers during their fast, for any reason. Computer time will be severely restricted to just minutes per day for fasters to share email communications with family and friends.

What should I eat prior to the fast?

It is very common prior to a fast for people to binge, rationalizing that they will never get to eat those foods again. The binge would be unfounded; you will always retain the freedom of choice in picking your foods. Not only that, but food indiscretion before you fast will likely make your fast more difficult and considerably less successful. Dr. Graham's recommendation is that you do not use the fast to make up for poor judgement during the weeks immediately preceding the fast.

Eat well from now until the event, consuming as much of your diet from whole, fresh, ripe, raw, organic plants as is possible. On the last three days before you begin your fast, Dr. Graham recommends that your diet be solely from raw fruits, vegetables and tender greens, and that it include no overtly fatty foods (e.g. avocado, nuts, seeds, oils, etc). Please be sure that you are vegan for the last three days before beginning your fast. Following these dietary recommendations works in your best interest and will make for a more pleasant experience both during the fast and after the fast.

Remember, you don't want to spend the first few days of the fast simply recovering from the last few days of the eating, nor be in discomfort during your first elimination after the fast. Please be kind to your body and treat it with the love and respect it deserves.

When should I begin fasting?

The beginning date of your fast is somewhat up to you.

If you have followed Dr. Graham's dietary recommendation before coming to the fast, you can begin your fast by consuming only pure drinking water, either on the travel day that you arrive at the event or on the morning after arrival at the event.

If your last few meals prior to the fast aren't ideal, the best option is to shorten your fast by feeding you properly for a few days after arriving at the event. If you have not followed Dr. Graham's pre-fast dietary recommendation we will ask you to eat with us for at least two days before beginning your fast. Dr. Graham recommends that it is by far to your advantage to begin the fast on either the arrival day or the following morning.

Dr. Graham is planning on serving a fruit breakfast to anyone who desires it on the morning after arrival, and we will serve simple meals to anyone that is not fasting, or not ready to fast, after that time.

If you wish to begin your fast sooner than the arrival day, please do not do so before contacting Dr. Graham first to discuss it via events@foodnsport.com, as it can make for awkward or difficult travel days.

If you wish to further discuss the option that is in your best interest, please email your considerations to events@foodnsport.com.

What not to expect during the fast?

The hygienic fast is a time to rest and reflect and gain confidence in your body's abilities. It is contraindicated to distract yourself from the fasting process. During a hygienic fast is not the time to seek stimulation, physical activity or distraction from your thoughts and feelings. Accordingly, fasters are strongly advised not to plan to watch movies nor engage in unnecessary physical activities nor spend more than a few minutes each day using electronic devices such as a computer. Such activities may compromise the potential benefits of your fast.

Interns: Additional Notes

What should I bring?

Your enthusiasm

Expect to learn a ton, have lots of fun, and really make a difference in the lives of a lot of people.


Bring a laptop if you have one available to bring, or some other device for doing research, writing, putting your lessons together, taking notes, etc. Access to your own computer is invaluable as an intern.


Full pad of paper, and several pens.

Extra headlamp or flashlight

Believe it or not, some people will forget theirs, or it will malfunction, break, or be lost.

Sleeping bag

Also bring a liner or sheet to put inside of it.


The success of the event depends on people being on time according to the schedule. You will likely also need a watch to monitor the fasters.

Blood pressure cuff

It does not have to be an expensive one. Please practice using it before you arrive.

Kitchen tools

At least one preferred kitchen knife, and any other kitchen tools that you find especially useful. Please, put some sort of identification on your tools prior to arriving.

Hair net

Something to hold your hair when working in the kitchen. It could be a hair net, a bandanna or a hat, or a shaven head, but something, please.

Kitchen Apron

A kitchen smock or apron, or clothing that is dedicated to kitchen use. Preferably an apron of your own.

Closed-toe shoes

You are required to protect your feet when working in the kitchen.


  • Any book on fasting, especially Shelton's "The Science and Fine Art of Fasting".
  • Any books on Hygiene.
  • At least one Physiology book (such as Guyton's, or Illustrated Physiology).
  • At least one Anatomy book.
  • Any books by Shelton, especially:
    • "The Science and Fine Art" series.
    • "Orthopathy".
    • "The Myth of Medicine".
    • "Health For The Millions"

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